Sunday, February 21, 2010


I have a confession to make...I am addited to farmville on facebook! I love this game. For the people reading this who doesn't know what farmville is I will explain it to you. Farmville is a game that lets you create your own farm. Growing up my father always had a garden and farm animals on his three acre home. Unfourtantly the home I am living in now is a trailer, in a park with a lot thats tiny tiny. We are allowed to have one pet, my puppy star and we are not allowed to plant any gardens. So farmville on the computer is like my fantasy farm. I can create a huge garden with any kind of crops that I have earned through a level achivement. The crops grow and then I get to harvest them to sell at market for money or share with my neighbors who helped fertilize my crops. I have cows, bulls, horses, donkeys and chicken on my farm just to name a few. I have lots of fruit trees that I can harvest, like peaches and apples. My farm is beatiful and I love to arrange a capture that true farm like feel of this game. My boyfriend on the other hand thinks my playing on this game is a little excessive. He is constantly yelling at me to GET OFF THE COMPUTOR. Lately we have agreed not to spend so much time on electronics because I am not the only one who likes to play games. He also like to play on his PS3 modern warfare. We have been spending more time with each other then playing are games and you realize how society is so connected to electronics. I know I can still play on my farm just not as much time should be spent doing this :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Moonlight Cafe'

I work at a little Italian restaurant in the heart of Dover township. Your first impression of the place, if you don't pass it while driving is "Wow thats a tiny restaurant". The building is fairly small. We have about forty seats and about twelve tables but do not let the size fool you. For within the four walls of the establishment you will find the best homemade Itailian food you will find in York County! As with any Italian food to fully enjoy the flavors you will need a good bottle of wine. The restaurant does not carry a liquor permit but the customer is more than welcomed to Bring Your Own Bottle. The atmosphere in this restaurant make you feel like you are truly in Italy. Italian music flows all around you and aroma of garlic and white wine tickles your nose. The chef born and raised in Sicily has his cooking station right in the restaurant. The chef entertains the custormers with flames soaring from his sautee' pans and quickness in preparing thier piping hot, mouth watering pasta dinners. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable about the menue' which ranges from you classic spagetti and meatball to a more creative dish chilean sea bass. The dinners have quailty ingrediants but are fairly priced, for example.

Appetizer: Crab Dip $9.00
Entree': Veal Parmigiana $16.00
Dessert: Homemade Tiramisu' $5.00
Drink: Caramel Latte' $3.45

The next time you eat out instead of going to the Olive Garden I recommend taking a trip Dover. The Moonlight Cafe' is a secret gem of a restaurant that will surely become one of your favorite places to eat!

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Walmart is a place that I could not live without. I do most of my shopping for my home, child and puppy there. Sometimes I find really great deals on things I need. But there is always something that happens there that makes me angry when I leave. First off my list is the parking, I can never find a parking spot at Walmart that is not a mile away for the store and most of the times I go it's raining outside (I should buy an umbrelle there). Then to get into the store you have to make a mad sprint across the parking lot for fear of someone car raming into your body. Once I am in the store remind you I am a mom and accomplished the first two tasks with a four year old, she has to go to the bathroom. So we go to the bathroom room that quiet franking are below my health standers for sanitation. Good thing I carry hand sanitizer in my bag.
Now we can go shopping. Most of the thing I need Walmart has there but a couple of items are always sold out and I can never fully complete my shopping list. So I am all done shopping. I get this task done fairly quick. I know a four year old meltdown is coming because she did not get the snow princess barbie Walmart advertises throughout the store. I go to the register and stand in line about a half an hour untill it is finally my turn to check out. I leave spending over a one hundred dollars everytime, it never fails. So let me ask myself, can I really live without Walmart? Maybe I can!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Today is the day I will start a blog about my life. If you find this boring then don't read it but if you can relate to a crazy life of a mother, or a student, or a girlfriend I welcome you to listen to my stories. I find the most facinating stories come from children. I have a 4 years old who acts like she's going on fourteen and everyday I laugh hysterically at the things she says and does. Do you know that I have already "ruined her life". She screams that at me sometimes when she's mad and not getting her way. Oh yeah, I have a very smart outspoken little girl who most of the time is an angle from above but there are those momments "precious meltdown momments". I will tell you all about those days, juggling school and a job, and having a needy boyfriend.