Sunday, February 21, 2010


I have a confession to make...I am addited to farmville on facebook! I love this game. For the people reading this who doesn't know what farmville is I will explain it to you. Farmville is a game that lets you create your own farm. Growing up my father always had a garden and farm animals on his three acre home. Unfourtantly the home I am living in now is a trailer, in a park with a lot thats tiny tiny. We are allowed to have one pet, my puppy star and we are not allowed to plant any gardens. So farmville on the computer is like my fantasy farm. I can create a huge garden with any kind of crops that I have earned through a level achivement. The crops grow and then I get to harvest them to sell at market for money or share with my neighbors who helped fertilize my crops. I have cows, bulls, horses, donkeys and chicken on my farm just to name a few. I have lots of fruit trees that I can harvest, like peaches and apples. My farm is beatiful and I love to arrange a capture that true farm like feel of this game. My boyfriend on the other hand thinks my playing on this game is a little excessive. He is constantly yelling at me to GET OFF THE COMPUTOR. Lately we have agreed not to spend so much time on electronics because I am not the only one who likes to play games. He also like to play on his PS3 modern warfare. We have been spending more time with each other then playing are games and you realize how society is so connected to electronics. I know I can still play on my farm just not as much time should be spent doing this :)


  1. Keep dreaming and keep working towards your academic goals and one day you will have your farm. Till then your welcome to come help me weed my garden if you want.

  2. I had to laugh because I know so many people that are obsessed with farmville on FB and send me tons of stuff because I hate it! it drives me nuts when I get all those Farmville characters sent to I joined the group "I dont care about your farm,cafe,sority,etc"... So I can't relate to you there but it was fun to read. :) Cams right you can have your own farm one day when you get done your schooling :)

  3. My younger brother is the same way as you. If you keep playing than when you are eventually able to have you own farm you will know exactly what to do lol

  4. It is VERY addicting. I am not sure why, but it is. I play it. I am just addicted to Facebook in general, it is so hard to get things done.

  5. Wow at least you admit to your addiction. I dont play or FB so all my friends want me to as well . I think there is alot more interesting things to do than sit inside on a cpu not fun to me but to each their own have a good day
